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Animal RoundWe meet and walk around and greet all our animals. Maybe we'll start with the rabbits and pick dandelions and grass. Then we move on to pigs and chickens, who are also crazy about greenery. Some chickens like to be hand-fed, and pigs like to cuddle on their backs. We also need to cut branches for the goats and maybe finish off in the horse fold and groom donkeys and horses.
FromDKK 100
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About Morsø Friluftscenter


Are you going to have a family or company party? Or do you and your family need an active holiday (no requirement) 😊 with sea kayaking, Icelandic horses, bonfires and lots of other experiences. Morsø Friluftscentret is also an obvious camp school stay for schools and institutions.

The centre is decorated in the old rectory in Skallerup, just south of Vildsund on Mors, about 300 metres from the Limfjord. One can bathe, snorkel, fish, catch crabs and shrimp, or collect clams and oysters. You can also take a trip on the fjord in the center's sailing dinghies or supboards. There are really good opportunities to see seals.

The centre has large bonfire house, shelters, orangery, campfire, sauna, terrace with barbecue and lots of animals.

The centre has 39+ sleeping places, dining/living/banquet hall for 55 and 85 people, modern kitchen facilities, disabled accessible toilet and bath.

You can see much more about the centre on our website [www.Morsø] (